do you want to be like god?
When you look at a seed it’s hard to believe that you could get a crop full of fruits or vegetables from such a tiny thing. Seeds may be small but they are vital to our livelihood. Likewise, our words are seeds that will produce what we plant. If we want to be like God, we must allow Him to plant His seed inside of us.
Grow Up!
No one is born and then stays a baby forever. To the contrary, we all must grow up. As Christians, it’s time to mature in God and put away childish things as the Bible instructs. Growing up is a good thing. We experience things we never could as a child. So, make a decision to grow in God!
THe Finisher
Every team has a finisher, you know, that person you can count on to score the goal or make the shot. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the author and FINISHER of our faith. So don’t be concerned about missing a shot - the Finisher’s got your back.
Run to win
There is a spiritual race we're running that we must run with focus to stay on the course God has set in front of us. It requires training and discipline. Learn how to prepare to run this race with endurance and not be disqualified.
Nothing but Leaves
Are you displaying the fruit of the Spirit? That is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control? It’s very easy as Christians to go to church and think that’s all there is, but are we really bearing the fruit that God teaches us to have?
What faith is not
Faith is the cornerstone of our Christian belief and there are a lot of misconceptions about faith. Learn what faith is NOT. You might be surprised!
Elements of faith
If you are going to believe God and grow as a Christian you must learn what faith is and how to use it in your life. What gets God’s attention? FAITH!
Strange Days
Unrest, natural disasters and dangerous events are happening all over the world. Fear is the weapon and people don’t know what to do. For the Believer, what does the Bible say about these strange days?
A Promise is a Promise
People depend on us to do what we say we will do, but too often in today’s culture promises are not kept. God is a promise keeper and He wants us to be like Him. Even though we may not be able to depend on people, we can always depend on God to keep His promises to us.